Monday, March 24, 2014

Sean Swell is an average sized guy, blonde hair, fair skin, soft smile, and bright blue eyes, and one interesting back ground and future. He is a motivational speaker and can read people’s minds. While he is giving his lectures on how to be a better person but most importantly increase everyone’s emotional motivation and allow their confidence to increase he will also try and read their minds. Unfortunately like all superhero or good person out there you usually have an antagonist, and this Mr. Swell does, his name is Trace Terrible. Trace is a sad, depressed, angry man; who was never loved when he was younger and he got hit and beat up by his parents. So because he never got power in the house, he decided to go use it somewhere else, at school and in parking lots. Trace is a bigger fellow who just can’t stop eating, and he doesn’t do anything healthy so more people pick on him because of that. His anger and depression only increases which causes him to pick on more people and tearing their confidence down while he thinks his is being raised even though it isn’t. Sean goes around to different schools and talks to the kids who are being bullied and will dissect their brains to allow him to fully understand where and when they got bullied. In Ohio, there were many accounts or sightings where this Trace monster has been sighted talking to younger boys and girls. So Sean boarded a plane ready to go and stop this man. In the airport the news was constantly going on the overhead T.V.s just informing Sean where this man could be. In one scary situation an entire city went into lock down as Trace walked down the street to turn a corner only to be greeted by Sean. Sean greeted Trace with a warm welcome, and Trace the opposite. Trace immediately began bombarding Sean with rude comments and emotional and physical harm. Sean kept his patience and did not let Trace affect his attitude or stance, or even his posture. Sean slowly started to comment Trace and tell him how nice he is, and how he was somebody he could look up to. Sean began bombarding Trace with comments, not rude though, but kindness. He used the “kill him with kindness” tactic to slowly turn Trace from a bully to the best inspirational man out there. The battle went on for 3 whole hours, where Trace would pipe in demoralizing thing here and there, while Sean just happily commented good things and rhymed in happy thoughts. News reporters and TV host began flooding the street watching this heroic action of Sean Swell the greatest motivational speaker to ever live take on his nemesis Trace Terrible. Headlines shoot through the City’s and Newspapers, even the White House was watching this battle taking place in Cincinnati Ohio. Reporters inched there way forward till they could almost touch both men. Trace being the terrible man that he was, kicked a news reporter and left many crying back to their vans. His power and demoralizing comments definitely would hurt even a natural grown man. That is why Sean Swell was the man to call, because he was not natural, he was a hero and super human man.    
just a little random scenario

Being Invisible for 3 hours


If I was going to be invisible for 3 hours what would I do?

Would I make pranks?

Would I cause trouble?

What about robbing a bank?

Would I spy on women or a bully?

Would I pick on a kid to think it’s funny?

What about going and seeing some movies?

Baseball games and basketball games could be free?

What if I did some great deeds to help someone?

What if I stopped someone from getting bullied?

What if I lived every moment of it up?

What if I could make it permanent?

What if I helped someone?

What if I became a hero?

What if was going to be invisible for 3 hours and made it 3 hours of good?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flash #3

Baseball, the spring time

Red Seams, attached to the white leather

Grass, clean cut and morning glazed with water dripping

Bat, Wood carved into distinct shape

Glove, pliable soft leather

The crack, the sound of the ball connecting with ball

Cleats, the shoe upon the baseball player

 Dirt, its baseball dirt
Baseball, Americas past time

Flash #2

How is it that in 24 hours we just don’t feel like we had enough time that day or that time flys to fast one but not the next. Time is constantly going, you cant reverse it nor speed it up. So why do we so it went to fast or its going to slow, it doesn’t change speeds like a car. Are we to busy somedays and not the next. One day is full of accomplishments and the next is not. One day is full of activites while the next is boring beyond belief. Are we to busy playing a sport that we forget to have fun. Are we to busy working and forget to do something with our lives. Is life to short to make time go to fast? Is everyday an accomplishing one, are our goals met for that day?

“every day that you aren’t in training your competition is”

Flash #1


                How does something so complicated that you can’t even figure out where your next move is, is that confusion. Or is it the fact that you can’t solve a problem, or fix something. The mind boggling of a question or maybe your classes with too much homework that makes you question if the teacher just hates everyone. Maybe it’s the sure facts that sometimes are brains can’t comprehend or understand something at this time but will later. Can confusion be clustered together with frustration? Is confusion even a realistic thing or just made-up. Does our mind know everything we just need to understand how it relays differently? Why did someone use those lyrics, or why do some people just not have common cents. Are you confused about something, because I am.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Surfing...Who needs the ocean when you have the right boat...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Work...what is it??? My family lives and strives off of this...Its the only thing we got that keeps us above our competiton!